Betta Care Guide

Basic Betta Care Guide

If you want to give your betta fish a happy, healthy life, follow this basic care advice. Betta fish are one of the most poorly treated animals in the aquarium hobby.


 You sh ould choose a tank for your betta that is at least 5 gallons large. This will help you to maintain ideal water conditions while giving your betta plenty room to swim and explore. If this is your first tank, I would advise going with a bigger tank, like one that is 10 gallons. Maintaining the water quality in larger tanks is significantly simpler and requires less effort. Additionally, make sure your tank has a lid. They can jump out of the tank and also stop evaporation. Betta are jumpers.

Bettas shouldn't be maintained in the same tank with each other. 

Heater/Tank Temperature

Since bettas are tropical fish, their tanks must have a heater. Betta prefer temperatures between 78 and 82 degrees F .Your 5–10 gallon tank would benefit greatly from a 50 watt adjustable heater. 


Just like any other tropical fish, betta require a filter in their tanks! A tank with low flow is necessary for betta fish. Since sponge filters have a very low flow rate by nature, they are a fantastic solution. Chain pet stores may have a difficult time locating sponge filters, but a hang-on-the-back filter can also be used. To reduce the flow on any hang on the rear filter, you can also create a DIY baffle.

Substrate and Décor

When it comes to substrate and accessories for your betta tank, you have loads of options! It's time to personalize the tank. Sand or gravel of any kind make excellent substrate choices. Pick non-sharp aquarium safe objects for the decor. Choose real plants or silk fake plants for your betta's plants. Silk or genuine plants are preferable options because some plastic plants can damage your betta's fins. To help your betta feel secure in their habitat, make sure to provide plenty of cover and hiding!


Due to their strictly carnivorous nature, betta fish need a diet rich in protein. The best pellets or flakes have a protein level of at least 40%. Your betta will benefit from variety as well. Blood worms and frozen brine shrimp are both excellent options for adding variety to their diet.

Tank Mates

Keeping bettas in the same tank is not recommended. They can harm or kill one another and are hostile. So-called sorority tanks are sometimes used to keep female betta together. Please take note that this is an EXPERT ONLY tank with very stringent setup requirements and is only suggested for very skilled betta keepers.

Some betta are amenable to tankmates. Invertebrates like freshwater snails make the best tank companions. Ramshorn and nerite snails are excellent options. In a tank 10 gallons or more, you can have some other tank companions, including fish. Because it all depends on the particular betta and their behavior, it is advised to have a backup tank and be aware of the warning indications of aggression. When selecting fish tank companions

Tank Maintenance

After you've set up your betta tank, you'll need to perform routine maintenance to keep the tank safe for your fish. Weekly water changes of 10–50% (based on tank size, stocking, and planted areas) are advised.After you've set up your betta tank, you'll need to perform routine maintenance to keep the tank safe for your fish. Weekly water changes of 10–50% (based on tank size, stocking, and planted areas) are advised.

Tank Cycling – The Nitrogen Cycle

Making sure your tank is cycled is essential for the health of your fish. Here are some resources to learn more about the nitrogen cycle and how to cycle a fish tank!

keeping your betta fish content..!!